
Yukari no Ki is a daytime care facility that admits people who are among the most severely disabled, including those who need constant medical care.

In Japan facilities for disabled people receive funding from the government on a per person, per day basis, whereas the cost of operating the facility doesn’t change much from day to day.

However, severely disabled people may not be able to come to these facilities every day. Many of them have unpredictable health conditions from time to time, sometimes requiring them to stay in hospitals.

That means that under the Japanese funding model, a facility has to cover excess costs because of a shortfall in funding when one or more disabled persons can’t attend. This is one of the reasons that many facilities are reluctant to take severely disabled people.

However, we believe that even the most severely disabled people should spend time away from their families, having some quality time in good settings and under good care, and at the same time giving their family members much needed time to do things for themselves.

The Kerria Project will engage in various fundraising activities using internet and other computer technology, but those funds raised in those ways may not be enough to keep Yukari no Ki going.  Any and all donations from those who support our approach are very much appreciated.

If you are kindly willing to make a donation, please go to the “Contact” page in this website and send us your name, address, and the amount of donation. (Your personal information will of course be kept confidential.)

Then you can send your donation to the following account (please copy and paste the Japanese characters in {} if necessary):

Bank: Saitama Resona Bank {埼玉りそな銀行}

Branch: Kawagoe Minami {川越南支店}

Branch Code: 385

Account: Savings Account {普通預金}

Account Number: 4572827

Account Holder: The Kerria Project{トクヒ)ケリアプロジェクト}

If you have any questions in English please contact Hugh de Ferranti at

